Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reflection on Bullying & Service Learning Project

Jenn's Post:
Participating in this blog has really pushed me to research more about bullying and understand ways to help prevent it. Working with Melissa and Alanna to research the effects and laws of bullying has made me understand how big and serious this issue really is. Interviewing others about bullying helped me to see it from others peoples perspectives and not just my own. I think that it is important to get the community involved to help brainstorm various ways to prevent bullying and make school systems a safe environment. I do not feel that schools are doing everything in their power to help prevent bullying and it is sad to see how many children commit suicide, run away from home, or curl up in a corner because of what other children put them through. I feel that the government needs to take a higher position against bullying and realize the severity of it. If teachers talk on a daily basis to students about bullying and how it effects other students, it may absorb into their heads and force them to stop. Doing activities and lessons around bullying will eventually get these children who are bullies to see what they are like and hopefully change their thoughts about bullying someone again.
Our group has decided to do our service learning project at the Boys and Girls after school program in Salem. We are going to do a small activity and presentation with the students to help them understand everything they need to know about bullying. We decided to do this because we thought it would be a great way to get students from the community involved and really impacts their opinions and thoughts about bullying. It is important to get these students involved in some way so that they can be the ones to tells their peers to stop bullying and stand up for what it right.

Bullying prevention websites and school discussions regarding bullying:

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