Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Service Learning Project


A critical attribute is a teaching strategy that focuses on transmitting the procedural knowledge of identifying the essential elements of a concept so that the students do not form inaccurate concepts. For the topic of bullying it is simple. Making students aware of what a bully looks like, knowing the signs of somebody who is being bullied and how to take action. You want children or adults who see bullying alert an adult and get the bullied and the bullier the help they need. You want to be aware at all times of what you are saying. Sometime people think it is funny to hurt others but it's not. The first way to stop bullying is to take action against it. To speak out against it. A great focus in 2012 is cyber bullying, which unfortunatly is the most difficult to see and stop. Children, teens and young adults want to be smart about what their doing online and on their phones.Firs you want to always think about what you post or say before you act. Don't share things that can hurt anybody else, or say things to hurt other people or to embarrass them."What seems funny or innocent at the time could be used against you. You do not have complete control over what others forward or post." Most websites offer privacy settings and it is important for you to be aware of what you are sharing and what you don't want shared.

As important as it for children, teens and young adults to monitor themselves and take responsibility for their own actions its equally important for parents to be aware of what is doing on. is an official U.S. Government Web site managed by the Department of Health & Human Services in partnership with the Department of Education and Department of Justice. They provide an excellent list of some great ways to to get help if your child is being bullied.

If the bullying gets worse and you need additional help, consider the following if:
Someone is at immediate risk of harm because of bullyingCall the police 911
Your child is feeling suicidal because of bullyingContact the suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Your child’s teacher is not keeping your child safe from being bulliedContact local school administrator (principal or superintendent) 
Your school is not keeping your child safe from being bulliedContact the State School Department
Your child is sick, stressed, not sleeping, or is having other problems because of bullyingContact your counselor or other health professional Exit Disclaimer
Your child is bullied because of their race, ethnicity, or disability and local help is not working to solve the problemContact the U.S. Department of Education’s Office on Civil Ri

Informational Knowledge- For informational knowledge it would first be important to understand what bullying actually is. Bullying is the intentional use of your superiority to intimidate someone who is inferior to you. A person can be bullied because the bully wants them to do something for them or for something about themselves (sexual orientation, race, gender, etc.) Bullying can be done face to face or over the internet. Bullying that is not done face to face is referred to cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is usually done over social networking sites, text messaging or instant messaging.
Procedural Knowledge- Procedural knowledge would be used to bring attention to the fact that bullying is a serious problem that needs to be stopped. Unfortunately bullying is not something that can be ended quickly or easily, but by taking different routes, we can bring attention to the situation. If more people are aware of this issue the closer we will be to ending it completely. Different things that can be done are: creating a petition, creating an anonymous hotline that either bullies or people being bullied can call for someone to talk too, creating an informational booth at a school fair or town fundraiser, discussing the bullying policies at different schools and providing information to school officials or by creating a social networking site.

To teach people about this topic it would be broken down into different concepts: what bullying is, the different types of bullying and how it can be prevented.

  • What is bullying? Bullying is when someone is being intentionally harassed by someone. It is aggressive behavior that is unwanted by the person who is receiving it. The behavior is usually repeated over time and there is usually an imbalance between power and strength, meaning that the person being bullied is usually someone who is timid and meek, less likely to tell an adult or stand up for themselves. 
  • What types of bullying are there? Bullying is broken down into many specific categories: Verbal bullying, bullying through isolation, physical bullying (hitting, kicking, shoving, etc.) bullying through false rumors or lies, being threatened or forced to do something by someone, racial or sexual orientation bullying, and cyber bullying. These categories are types of bullying/ ways that bullying can occur. There are certainly other ways that someone can be bullied, but these are the more common ways.
  • Like we stated above, it is more difficult to completely end bullying than it is to bring attention to the issue. There are many different ways that you can bring attention to bullying. For specifically in an elementary school, you could create a bullying awareness week, have a guest speaker come in, make a clear policy for bullying, do a school wide promise to not bully, or create a project that all the students can participate in to bring attention to bullying. 

1B. There are variety of service learning projects that our group has read about regarding the topic bullying. After considering the different options, we have decided to create a binder. Creating a binder can show a variety of different ways to help prevent bullying within the school systems. We will include a variety of brochures regarding bullying and what the community can do as a whole to help get rid of it. Within this binder, there will be infomation regarding different people and places to get in touch with to discuss bullying and how to prevent it. It is important to collect as much information as possible to put into the binder so that our peers and other people can learn from it and go out on their own and make a difference. There are many different websites that we can go to that gives different ways to help prevent bullying and get our community involved. We can use these websites to create AD's within our binder for people to read and respond. We are looking foward to calling a few different elementary schools to discuss the topic of bullying with them and take note of their policies and the consequences for it.

Ditson Elementary School
39 Cook St  Billerica, MA 01821
(978) 436-9530

Pierce Elementary School
85 Park Avenue Ext  Arlington, MA 02474(781) 316-3736

Barrows Elementary School
16 Edgemont Avenue. Reading, MA 01867
(781) 942-9166

There are also a variety of websites that people can go on to petition bullying and learn more about it.

Stomp out bullying and cyber bullying

National Bullying Prevention Center

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