Thursday, February 16, 2012

Melissa's Post

To take action against bullying I signed a petition on the National Bullying Prevention Center's website. Although I did something so small, it really felt great to sign the petition. I felt that by simply typing my name and hitting submit I was a part of the change; the change that is happening everytime someone decides to sign that petition and put an effort in to stop bullying. Besides signing the petition, I am going to spread the word about bullying wherever I can. Now that I am in a classroom I will have the opportunity to educate the students in my classroom about bullying and why we need to put an end to it. I will be able to make sure that the students in my classroom are advocates against bullying because they are the generation that is witnessing it the most. I will also spread the word to my friends, family, neighbors and coworkers so that they will be able to educate any younger students that they know as well. I think by educating my students they will pass the word along to friends and family and it will create a domino affect. Eventually, hopefully, everyone will have heard about why we need to put an end to bullying.
It feels great that I am taking action against something that I feel so strongly about.

As far as teaching social justices, I feel it depends on the subject matter and the age of my students. If it is something that is appropriate and meaningful for my students, I believe that it should absolutely be taught. I think that we, as teachers, should be able to decided what we teach our students. I believe that education is an instrument for the public good because we are educating the next generation. These students are our future. I think that they need to know what is going on in our world, as long as it is appropriate for their age.

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