Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jenn's Interview

Interview: I interviewed my boyfriend, John. After interviewing him, I found it interesting that he knew a lot more about bullying than I thought he did. It is amazing to see how people realize that bullying is a serious issue and somehow, it needs to be resolved. John stated that bullying has been going on ever since he was in elementary school, and it is horrible that it is still occuring in school systems today, but more drastically. Hopefully, we as future teachers can figure out a way to really impact students minds and end bullying once and for all.

What are you feelings about bullying?
I think that bullying has increased drastically in the past couple of years. I was shocked when I heard people stating that elementary schools have different levels of bullying happening everyday. It is horrible to see that bullying has been taken to the next level and is now all over the internet.

Do you remember being bullied in school?
No. I can remember some times when I saw others being bullied, but I can not recall any times when I was bullied. I may have been, but it was nothing as severe as it is today.

What happened to your classmates when they were bullied?
In some cases, they were sent to the principle and then after about an hour of detention, they were let go.

What was one case of bullying which you witnessed?
When I was in elementary school, I can remember being on the bus when 2 older boys picked on this younger girl until she cried and ended up getting off the bus. I was the only one to stand up for her and sit with her so she felt safe and somewhat comfortable until getting off the bus. I knew she needed a friend and I did not care what other kids thought of me, I just wanted to help her.
Is this problem important?

Yes. Within the past 3 years, children have committed suicide or come close to it because of being bullied in school. If people do not take this matter seriously, then children are not going to want to go to school because they are not comfortable in that environment and it is not safe for them.

Are you aware of the policies in elementary school systems regarding bullying?
I am almost positive that teachers must report incidents that involve bullying and if they do not, then can risk losing their job or something worse.

What do you think the consequence should be for bullying?
I think that students should be expelled depending upon the age. I know that expulsion can not solve everything, but students need to realize that this is a serious matter and it is not to be taken lightly.

Where can I get more information about this problem ?
Research the internet and go into different school systems and compare the different policies.

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