Thursday, February 16, 2012

alanna post 1D

The Bullying petition I signed had the following to say :

Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students of all races and classes. 1 out of 4 kids are bullied and 43% of teens, 97% of middle schoolers and 47% of older teens 18-24 are cyberbullied. 9 out of 10 LGBT students experienced harassment at school. As many as 160,000 students stay home on any given day because they're afraid of being bullied.

Child and teen Bullying and Cyberbullying are at an all-time high. Some kids are so tormented that suicide has become an alternative for them. It has everyone worried. Not just the kids on its receiving end, but the parents and others who may not understand how extreme bullying can get. 

    I think I felt really good about signing the petition but I also felt as though I really hadn't done anything. I typed in my name but did I really help anybody? I hope so but I think apart of me knows that helping to stop bullying it is more than just typing in my name and email. If ninety seven percent of middle school children are being bullied, what can I do? I looked deeper into and ended up signing more and more petitions and would really like the chance to actually volunteer. 160,000 students stay home every day! I just cannot believe the numbers associated with this issue. If so many why is there so little being done?

    I think its important for not only me but for everybody to have a voice. Speak out when you see a student being bullied or looks as though he or she has been bullied. As a future teacher its important to be aware of the signs and to know your children well enough to know what and when something is wrong. I think signing this petition and doing this project shed light on the already known fact; bullying is wrong and it effects more and more students everyday. I want to stand against it and make my students aware of the negative affects it can have as well as how to be aware of yourself, what you do and what you say.

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