Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hi ! It's Alanna and I did my interview with Joshua, my boyfriend. Being a male I thought he might have a different perspective and or understanding on bullying.

Is this a problem that you think is important? Why or Why not?
A: Yes. This is a very important problem, more and more you hear about kids that are bullied. And what gets me sad is that some of these kids end up taking their lives. Its very disturbing and very sad to think that kids can be so cruel. I could never imagine being bullied like that and being so down on myself where I wouldn't seek help and I think that is the bigger problem.

What do you think other people think of this issue, especially being a male and growing up in public school systems?
A: There is no awareness. People don't do anything until it truly effects them. And you are seeing that now with all the incidents around.

Do you think bullying was always an issue? Do you remember ever being taught or made aware of it when you were younger?
A:It's always been an issue but it was never talked about. I feel like bullying was a part of growing up but now of days kids are taking it over board. And now there are so many more outlets for kids to use to bully. Kids as young as eight and ten have Facebook and they put things out there that they aren't aware hurts people.

Why Do you think children don't speak out?
A: I think fear. They are afraid that they will be made fun of even more. And for some kids its easier to stay in the "bullying bubble" than stand up to your fear.

What do you think schools can do to make children comfortable with coming forward about bullying?
A; More awareness. I think its important to teach at a young age about respect. And I think at a young age there is not enough awareness of the differences in children. There is not elaboration on the understanding of each other. I think if there were more session with parents involvement it would help too.

Do you think your local community does enough to stop and to fight bullying?
A:If there is I don't know anything about it. But I also don't have any children in the school system and am not longer in it. When I went to school there were no specific bullying policies. Just the obvious can't fight, etc. But there was nothing that was written that I can remember.

I really liked interviewing Josh. We are so close and have never really talked about bullying and what it means to me or to him. Being, that I am a teacher I think it is very important and I always thought because he is a guy that maybe he did not take it as serious thinking that boys need to be "tough" but I was very wrong. He was more aware of the situation than i thought and felt the same that there was not enough awareness of the issue and that getting children and parents aware and comfortable with talking about ti was the first issue that needed to get addressed. Being in a technological age it all too real how mean people can be without ever seeing your face. And the ability to hurt people is as simple as clicking a button.

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