Thursday, March 1, 2012


Melissa's Post

Through this blog, I have learned more about bullying than I thought that I would, but most importantly, I learned that I can make a difference.  By simply signing a petition against bullying I immediately felt better. I also am blessed to be in a third grade classroom where I can spread awareness about bullying. I have always believed that bullying was going to become something that causes havoc in our country; and I believe that it has. Too often you turn on the TV and there are countless stories of kids getting bullied and taking the wrong way out: killing themselves or killing others. Bullying has morphed from teasing on the playground to violence and torment. With the rise of technology bullying has become even worse now that kids are able to bully others behind the scene and anonymously. This blog has gotten me to research bullying more in depth and it has shown me the horrible sides to bullying. I have learned about the current policies and laws about bullying. I think that this is a very important topic for everyone to know about and be aware of, and also try to prevent. As a future elementary school teacher I plan on educating my classes every year about the importance of preventing bullying from happening inside and outside of school. I want all of my students to always know that if they are being bullied, or know someone that is being bullied they can always speak up and tell someone, myself, another teacher, or the principal without  being afraid. Too often students do not speak up because they are so afraid of what their bully is going to do to them, so they keep quiet in hopes that it will go away. To tie this into a classroom I would do something like create different role play bullying scenarios where they find a solution or written problems that the students have to find solutions too.

Here are some great anti-bullying websites:

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